Mr Medic

Hafiz Jabbar
Loves Islam
Loves Parents
Loves Soccer

My Wants

Three Quarters
Platform Bed
Mini fridge
Nice Body
The Perfect Lady =)
Own Television
Travel the world
*world peace* like seriously

Trash It Out

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ramadhan came, left and now its back! Alhamdulillah...after months of waiting, we can finally embrace this blessed month...

My Ramadhan so far have been a fruitful one...And yet a little challenging cos as a medic u tend to get angry a little easier when the patient is un-cooperative or i guess mesti sabar banyak2!

However i feel that these days, not many out there actually 'feel' Ramadhan in their souls..its difficult to explain this feeling bcos it only comes when u stop thinking when Ramadhan will end, do ur terawih prayers and read the Quran everyday, then i can say u will feel something different...And thats when u don't want Ramadhan to end...

I think time now is extremely fast...we are already in the 4th day! of Ramadhan...For all the wait, Ramadhan will end as quicly as it came...So don't waste this Ramadhan or simply make it a better one than the previous years...

All i can say is that our personal battle with our NAFSU is all that separates us from a good Ramadhan...Remember that the devil is locked away with chains so take this oppurtunity to prostrate urself before ALLAH and seek for forgiveness and HIS blessings...

ANd if you do have any qualms or questions about this Blessed month, feel free to tag, email or comment me...InsyaALLAH i will try to answer in my own words so that its easier to understand...

*Do ask for forgiveness from ur 1.parents 2.muslim bros n sis 3.neighbours not only during EID but especially during Ramadhan bcos if u don't im afraid ur Ramadhan will not be blessed...=)

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