Mr Medic

Hafiz Jabbar
Loves Islam
Loves Parents
Loves Soccer

My Wants

Three Quarters
Platform Bed
Mini fridge
Nice Body
The Perfect Lady =)
Own Television
Travel the world
*world peace* like seriously

Trash It Out

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hey there everybody..Welcome back to reading my almost dormant blog...!

damn i've been real tired everytime i get home and of course the laziness to start the comp also adds to me almost AWOL-ing from blogging!

NS have been quite an experience, im not sure whether I am enjoying it or suffering or whatever it is...I still do prefer the life before NS!! haha... Imagine 50 push ups before breakfast, about 150 during PT then add around 40 before lunch and how about 30 before u sleep?? yup..haha..

So that keeps me very tired...But i guess when i think about the time my dad and my uncles and cousins going thru NS, I seem motivated to completing mine.....Yup, its another 6 weeks for me as a bloody recruit before i am posted out either as an instructor, Medic, driver or provost (take care of the CD Prison)...

And dear readers, I hope u have been having a good life....hope to see u gals and guys tag...hehe..

Anyway, doa for me as I have an MRI scan coming up after chinese New Year to determine whether i need to go for an operation or not....Its for my troublesome knee by the way...

*To be able to pray is a gift from GOD not an xtra burden for ur everyday life...=)

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